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7. Hasta aquí, el ser-pensamiento estaba muy satisfecho de su investigación y trabajo; se sentía pleno de esperanza, porque estaba cumpliendo con lo que se había propuesto: ordenar de forma perfecta esa creación que crecía cada vez más.
enlace a primera pagina
3. El Ser Uno es un libro de autoconocimiento. Deberá ser leído en orden: sería inútil que lo leyeran desordenadamente, pues no daría el resultado esperado. Su lectura irá abriendo y conectando los circuitos cerebrales del conocimiento, entendimiento y amor.
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6. The One Principle means
that exists was created, emanated, and realized, from a single source: a
nucleus, a center, unleashing correlatively, the need, and the desire,
to create Life.
Once created, life was eternal.
When we speak of life, we are referring to the creator.
We know it as the Unique Principle; you give it the name of God.
Everything created derives from that source; from there we left, and, there we return.
Who created it?
How was it formed?
Where does all creation come from?
You all want answers, and you ask for them, because that is how the reality in which you live is made.
The answers will not help you understand the universal process.
do not need answers: what you require is to wake up from the illusory
life in which you live, and enter your own minds, in order to understand
the greatness of what we are expressing.
The Unique Principle… Is.
from this point, everything else was created, but, before him, there
was another need, which drove him to be infinite, without beginning or
end. (?)
When he became aware of being, he automatically set a
mechanism in motion, activating a device of necessity, creating the
form, the sign, the vibration, the rhythm, the colors, and so on.
The universal machine began to function perfectly, and never stopped again.
That need, it created, expanding in such a way that it did not fit into its structure.
automatic movement generated such intense heat that it began to melt
sign, shape, color with vibration, structure with rhythm, rhythm with
cadence, and so on, infinitely.
The Unique Principle saw the
need to create order, because it could no longer contain so much
creativity, since it escaped its own limits and possibilities.
he created a being, in the image and likeness, full of light, of pure
and diaphanous crystals, of effulgent colors, perfect rhythm and
The form of that being corresponded to the will and desire of the creator.
He was thought and, like his maker, he imagined, and created, the imagined.
He lived in the mind, where his thought had no boundaries.
He was the son of the One Principle, therefore of the universal mind.
The One Principle created its continuation, and, called it, thought.
thought would be in charge of ordering, classifying, analyzing,
developing and communicating the entire compendium of creativity that
emanated from its center.
Thus the first thoughts were born.
looked at each other, recognized themselves as brothers, and the first
thing they did was study themselves, to see if they could carry out the
activities entrusted by the creator.
The first experience consisted of being aware of its existence; they called it life.
first, this was generated by uncontrolled movements, but, through the
experiences, they were dominated, and, uniting them to a new element,
called desire, which, in turn, produced another, which they called
This was developed with cadence and harmony, thereby creating the vibration, and this element generated the colors.
of these had a different meaning, and as the infinite colors began to
emerge, the thought children discovered where they came from.
They observed tiny and tiny crystals, which collided and melted together to form figures.
They arose from desire, rhythm, vibration, and color.
In this way, a new element was born, called form.
Then the thought-being began to order and classify this set of elements through its own experiences.
When he joined the elements with each other, he obtained unsuspected results, which could be very useful, or less useful.
In this way, diversity was created, which correlated the data, creating knowledge.
accumulation of information activated the understanding, and putting
the two together, generated the collection and the continuity.
This result formed cause and effect, and all that informational compendium created wisdom.
Up to now, the thought-being was very satisfied with its research and
work; he felt full of hope, because he was fulfilling what he had
proposed: to order in a perfect way that creation that was growing more
and more.
As he mixed the elements, new experiences emerged, more or less useful.
thought-being, doomed to so much responsibility, did not perceive or
give importance to creations of lesser use: it simply filed them away,
accumulating them as creation's waste.
The concentration of these discarded elements was so great that they began to occupy spaces destined for useful elements.
Even so, they continued, without giving it importance, and leaving the solution of the problem for later.
Ignorance: they did not have the knowledge that, one day, these creations would turn against them.
thought-beings that were in charge of keeping everything in order - and
especially those that were very close to those relegated elements -
they began to show symptoms of disorder, lack of continuity, weakness and sluggishness.
They got sick.
they did not know was that this accumulation of discarded elements
corroded, oxidized, annihilated and transformed the subtle into dense,
the light into dark, the rhythm into arrhythmia, the high vibrations
into low vibrations, and so on.
Frightened, the thought-beings
did not know how to deal with this problem: they did not have the
resources or the understanding for it.
They started trying to rectify it by doing thousands of experiments, but to no avail.
Meanwhile, the One Principle continued to create, exorbitantly, oblivious to all that reality.
In view of these problems, thought-beings had to classify and order reality again, contrary and unknown elements had emerged.
They understood that these elements, despite being related, could not be mixed, because they were not the same.
one fell ill because it was dark in color, without cadence or rhythm
and gave dire results, the other had rhythm, cadence and light colors.
They had to classify and separate them: they called them energy of positive result, and energy of negative result.
The thought-beings of the negative outcome felt helpless and desperate.
They began to perceive that their reactions were no longer the same: their thought-energy was out of control.
They had been created perfect, in the image and likeness of the creator, and now ugliness and distortion were invading them.
They could no longer work and order; new sensations were taking hold of them; they no longer reacted the same as the others.
sorrow and pain, the thought-beings that had remained healthy and
useful, had to separate from them, because that negativity could infect
Before parting, the useful thoughts placed a crystal with all the information, inside the pineal of their sick brothers.
crystal collected all the wisdom they had, all the essence of knowledge
and understanding, so that they would never forget and, if one day they
were healed, they could remember that they were children of the One
Principle, that they came out of it, and that they would return. to the.
When the thought-beings were separated, horrible sensations and dense vibrations took possession of them.
The rhythm made ghastly noises;
the colors stopped shining, and the darkness enveloped them.
Their forms twisted in pain, rage, and helplessness; Totally unknown sensations invaded them.
A parallel universe had been created, totally opposite, and different, from the one they knew, and to which they were used.
How much loneliness, how much pain!
Lost in the darkness of their own thoughts, they felt abandoned, separated from the center, and from their beloved creator.
The positive and useful thought-beings struggled to recover them.
New experiences arose, countless methods and techniques were used, but it was useless.
Many volunteered, for healing experiences that did not succeed.
8. Despite so much loneliness and pain, the separate thought-beings felt within them an unknown element:
the force.
It was a new element, which drove them to continue, and, they called it, survival.
felt that the acquired knowledge still existed, that understanding and
desire had not disappeared from their thoughts, and that perhaps, with
what little was left, they could free themselves from this seemingly
dead-end situation.
They thought that the first thing they had to do was not to disappear, but, on the contrary, to live.
the One Principle had created them in its image, then they would fight
with all available means to take a place in that creation.
Thus, they came together, recognized each other, and gathered important data, which each of them contributed.
They classified the information and distributed it in degrees and hierarchies.
separated those that were in worse conditions from those that were
better, because it was the latter who would be in charge of continuing.
They could still do it.
They were aware of their reality; they knew that they were distorted, without light of knowledge, without rhythm, or frequency.
barely perceived the colors, but they would fight, and they would not
allow themselves to be defeated, even more so, after having experienced
the greatness of creation, and of its creator:
the One Principle.
They knew that they had lost paradise, their sky and their light.
the midst of so much desperation, and, when wanting to communicate with
their brothers, the negative and useless thought-beings discovered by
chance that, if they fed on useful results, they improved their
conditions, and delayed the annihilation of their existence, determining
with This is prolongation and survival.
New elements emerged: theft, slander, deception and lies became part of them, making their conditions even more ill.
did not understand that those harmful elements would worsen their
illness, leading them to an infinity of no return, and sinking them more
and more in the distortion of their thoughts.
Alerted, the useful thought-beings took all steps.
The first thing they did was protect its origin, its center and its axis, surrounding it with all the care.
That way they would also be protecting themselves.
What to do with the thoughts that had gotten sick?
What use could they give them?
they did not find a solution, they decided to compress them, and
archive them in compact energy blocks, with the idea of studying them,
and, giving them a utility, later.
After so many painful
experiences, and without solution, the useful thoughts stopped
experimenting with the energy of useless thoughts.
They dedicated themselves to working exclusively with useful energy and with accumulated and understood wisdom.
That way, your results would always be positive.
the Unique Principle continued to create elements, rhythms, vibrations,
colors, shapes, perfect crystals, light, subtle, transparent, etc., so
many that they began to collide with each other, producing extremely
high temperature electric discharges, and activating it, uncontrolled
The energetic concentration of the crystals and the
accumulation of elements was so great that it caused an explosion so
strong that billions of incandescent crystals were thrown to
unimaginable, unsuspected and unknown distances.
A new reality had been created: the One Principle had been born, it had expanded, and it was growing.
that explosion, the thought-beings with positive-useful and
negative-useless results were also thrown, but they did not all reach
the same distance.
There were some who stayed very close to the center, others halfway, and some more got lost in the infinity of creativity.
Billions of thought-beings scattered in that unknown reality formed a new existence.
Those near the center began to rotate around it, attracted by the gravitational force: they rotated 8
rhythmically, in a lilting rhythm.
These thought-beings glowed with the light from the center, and their colors dispersed.
crystals were the most beautiful and perfect diamonds; they had not
been deformed, they preserved the authenticity of creation.
who were further away, distorted their reality a bit: they had less
rhythm, the colors were slightly opaque, and their vibrations emitted
slow and low sounds.
In the midst of it all, those crystals kept their origin and would do their best to improve their conditions.
those who were thrown very far from their center, from their creator,
were the most affected, because, they carried with them the compacted
crystals that, due to their weight and density, were thrown as far as
possible from their center.
These compacted crystals of
uselessness reached incredible distances, so far that, lacking light,
heat, rhythm, vibration and color, they compressed, densified,
petrified, solidified and cooled, thus creating a new reality called
matter. .
These matter-crystals emitted absolutely nothing: they became static, rigid and inert thoughts.
They were thoughts imprisoned in the harshness of their existence.
the midst of that chaos and that explosion, many of the positive and
useful thought-beings also fell out of favor, which, along with the
negative and useless ones, amalgamated and petrified, compressing their
elements, but not their thoughts.
In density, these
matter-crystals fluctuated in space, collided with each other, wandered
aimlessly and without knowledge of their existence.
thought-beings were densified, they apparently slowed down the disease
process, because it did not manifest itself as quickly.
The elements remained static for a long time, without causing any discomfort.
densified thought-beings thought they were cured, but it was not so:
the negative disease was asleep, waiting for the propitious occasion to
manifest itself.
When she did, it would be in worse circumstances.
Finding themselves in that dense and dark reality, the thought-beings fell asleep, and thus remained indefinitely.
Until one day, they began to be attracted to a circular gravitational force that drove them to rotate around a center.
It was the creator, who had not abandoned them: he was attracting them.
Despite the enormous distance, they were not alone.
force of survival emerged, and with it they had the assurance that one
day they would return to the one who gave them life and existence.
The densified thought-beings began to perceive a slight movement.
A faint rhythm arose, a vibration that made an almost imperceptible sound.
This activated the colors and, in doing so, the shapes became rounded.
They were not lost: the One Principle was recovering them.
The densified thought-beings realized that only by uniting could they return to their center.
was then, when new elements emerged, such as fellowship, union, working
together, communication, and the will to do it, and that working
together was creating another new element called harmony.
united their knowledge and understanding, understanding that they were
brothers despite the differences that characterized them.
They began to live together, and that effort of living together, made with peace and harmony, was called love.
The need created the form.
The thought-beings, removed from their center and trapped in the density, began to feel the need to manifest.
They could not achieve it only through thought: they had to translate what was thought and desired.
knew that they came from an ethereal, mental and subtle reality;
finding themselves in a dense reality, they would have to solve that
Although these densified thought-energies were in an adverse reality, they had not lost their mental faculties.
They also knew that it was not enough to have them: they had to use new elements that would allow them to continue. 9
and analyzing deeply, they discovered a new element called sign, which,
together with the others, would allow them to form mold-needs.
they could translate the answers. The experiences began, using the same
methods and techniques that they knew from subtle reality.
They repeated the same formulas, but they found a surprise: the creations were deformed, without expression or meaning.
Over and over again, useless.
They united crystals of different conditions, but, nothing.
crystals collided with each other, but they emitted no sound or
vibration. They were definitely not finding the answers in those
creations: the density did not allow the fluidity of thought, and, under
those conditions, they did not work.
That was what they believed: they did not know that, being in a dense reality, everything was slow.
What they did not perceive was that the thought in that reality took time, but advanced, and would take shape at some point.
responses would be shaped according to what they wanted, and it would
at some point be shaped according to their mental desires.
Let's go back to the creator of all that exists.
he was the center and created the most diverse crystals and entrusted
his thought-child with the work of classifying and ordering them, how
then did that center not have knowledge of what was going to happen?
Didn't he perceive what he was generating?
He knew it, he always knew it.
When the One Principle created and emanated, it was forming his body.
It was taking shape.
wanted to be born, grow and develop as a gestational baby, and he did:
he expanded into billions of cells that, like him, repeated themselves.
Its cell-crystals reached the ends of the universe, and all of them were created like a mirror, in the image of their creator.
These crystals-cells began to agglomerate, forming the organs and systems, and all of them together became the universal body.
Until now, thought-children do not know for sure where the One Principle comes from or who created it.
In order for Him to exist, there must have been another principle that created the previous one.
Infinity without beginning or end.
the children-thoughts that were in the density had to start everything,
as if they were a Unique Principle, and, they understood that, every
time something was created or started, they had to consider it as a
Unique Principle.
They had to gather a lot of information; they felt they had a lot to learn, and that this learning would be eternal.
The thought-beings that were closest to the creator began to make in-depth studies of themselves and the creative environment.
the first place, they perceived that their crystals, despite this
tremendous explosion and the distance from their center, kept their
sharpness, rhythm, vibration, shape and colors intact; but, despite
this, they felt that they were no longer the same.
Something had changed: they noticed a difference in themselves.
His previous reality was internal; they were always inside the center and now they were outside, revolving around it.
came to the conclusion that, just as the One Principle had been born,
they too had been born, to another reality of more concrete, free and
palpable existence.
They were off-center, allowing them to move through space.
this way, their knowledge would increase and they could acquire more
experiences and experiences so that their wisdom would have no end.
studied their surroundings and discovered that they were still existing
in the light, and being within it, they were the light.
it, for the first time they could look at themselves as they were,
perceived their own colors and felt the rhythm and frequency of their
Its crystals gleamed through the light, changing shades as desired.
When this light passed through her crystals, she expanded or retracted;
the rhythm lengthened or shortened; the vibration increased or
Thus, with this energetic correlation, they created a communication, a language, and gave it a name:
Ponder it ... we will meet tomorrow ...
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link to first page
Being One is a book of self-knowledge. It should be read in order: it
would be useless to read it disorderly, as it would not give the
expected result. His reading will open and connect the brain circuits of
knowledge, understanding and love.
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REGISTRATION: 314,912 | LIVRO: 575 | FOLHA: 72 Franca Rosa Canonico de
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