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Cuanto más notas e instrumentos musicales contiene una energía-pensamiento, más prolongará su próxima reencarnación.
Cuanto más agudo y elevado es el sonido, más eterno será.
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... it depends a lot on the degree that corresponds to them. The hierarchical distribution will depend, if they are emotional, passionate, knowledge, wisdom, evolved or elevated thought-energies. These thought-energies represent who you are. When the thought-energy raises its voltage to higher degrees, the being will begin to attract thought-energies of the same condition, raising its vibration and the expression of its life. Those disembodied energies will help you evolve and elevate, transmitting universal knowledge through telepathy or mediumship. Do you not feel the inner voice, which you call a guardian angel? Q: 34. How long do we last in a disembodied state? Time is relative: it all depends on the quality of thought-energy. We can compare it with musical notes: there are those that are only notes, others a set, those whose set of notes has formed a melody, or the melodies that formed an instrumental composition, which will result in a symphony. The more notes and musical instruments a thought-energy contains, the longer it will prolong its next reincarnation. The higher and higher the sound, the more timeless it will be. 35. What is the work that we are still doing in our creature to perfect it? The energy-man-planet Earth must become the image of the creator; It should be a real mirror and not inverted. The entrance to the universe consists of splicing the true image with the mirror, that is, from the inside out. The planet Earth generally reflects an unreal, inverted and bizarre image. The right thing to do would be to start from the inner thought outwards, but you live in accordance with everything that the exterior of your life provides you, you feed on everything that evolution gives you. The senses are inverted, because they live for the pleasure of the material senses, and not for the existence of their lives. When the thought of planet Earth emanated its thought-energies, it recorded them disorderly, and desperately, without measuring any consequence of what it was creating. Thus, most of your thought-energies are useless, superfluous and negative, due to lack of knowledge and understanding. Today, it is too late: everything is created. What can be done with this useless energy? Planet Earth has to learn that everything in the universe is recycled, transformed, reused, adapted and shaped; This process is called transmutation. Transforming negative into positive is what planet Earth has to understand: transmuting useless thoughts into useful ones. That change will cause the transformed thoughts to pass through the filaments and circuits of the brain, helping it to stay clean, healthy and nourished. In this way, the brain will be prepared to receive the maximum universal information. Isn't it the same with the computer brain? When it is too loaded with information, the computer becomes slow and heavy. 36. So far all I hear from planet Earth is negative. Do we have any positive work to contribute to the universe? Before awakening, no contribution; after waking up, a lot. We always refer to thought-energy as something very important in existence, and it is. Thought is combustion, the impulse that moves the universe; there is no stronger, more powerful and more important energy. You will ask yourselves: - And the ideas? ‖. [...]
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