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Vivir en la luz es tener
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El Ser Uno III - Los Seramitas El Camino de Regreso - Parte 14
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47. Living in the light is being aware of existing. We feed on circular crystals, because that is our universal form. We are delicate spore-crystals, formed by a very fine tissue. We revolve around the creator at incredible and fantastic speeds; we emit a high-pitched, high-frequency vibrating sound. When we were thrown and stayed close to the creator, our form was not altered. We are the circle. The recorded energy enters through our head, which is composed of a vibratory emission that is linked, creating a magnetism that attracts energy. This is launched by the terminals, which are responsible for distributing it throughout the universal mind. You understand light as electricity. We give life to the universe through Light; we vibrate to such a degree that the life-light expands in movements throughout all that exists. The idea, the thought and all of reality would not exist without light. It is not a light as you know it; we exist in a channeled, structured, molded, and created vibrational frequency especially for the universal mind. It is high-tech; We could explain it, but you couldn't understand it. When your thought-energies rise to dimensions of high light content, then you will be penetrating the mysteries of universal knowledge. 60. What is the lid circuit like? Lid means activity, struggle, combat, confrontation, merits, affairs, occupations. This circuit awakens when the three glands: pineal, pituitary and rhyme, begin to work together and in harmony. The triangle is activated, the nimeo-crystals, recorded in high vibrational frequency, are captured by the pineal, which absorbs them from higher planes. This gland orders, classifies and distributes them within the brain; depending on the strength of desire, it will place them in their rightful place. The lid circuit is distributed in the nine areas of the brain, it works in conjunction with the glands, which need it to know where, when and why the thought-crystals should be located in this or that area. These crystals will be distributed throughout the lid circuit so that the material, psychic and mental energy are fed correctly, and also so that the right and left sides of the brain align themselves in a balanced way. 61. What do immersion, circular vision and dimensional vision mean? Mass: Matter, corporal, body Volume: Space, intensity, quantity Height: Elevation, superiority Circumference: Spin, round, circular Immersion: Immersed, concentrated Circular vision: Round, hoop, guild Dimensional vision: Measure , size, totality Total vision: General, universal As we have said, the Primary Dimension works its thought-energy with the mass, volume and height trilogy. The vision in these circumstances is quite limited, because the energetic conditions of the being are of low level and of little magnetic concentration. We mean that your mind will see what your angles perceive.
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