viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2022

121, REleer, Principio Único, ¿Cómo son sus elementos-planetas?

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El Principio Único

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 be one  
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El Principio Único

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121. En todo este proceso, tenemos que entender que las dimensiones y realidades no están separadas. 

Al unirse los cabezales con nosotros, nos convertimos automáticamente en Uno. 

Una cabeza podía pensar, mas no podía realizar, y los miembros sin cabeza estaban peor todavía: no podían ejecutar.

148. ¿Cuáles son los elementos del Principio Único?  

Nuestros estudios partieron primero del conocimiento del Principio Único; teníamos que profundizar en el descubrimiento, y este tenía que partir del punto uno: el nimeo.

 Comprendimos que el Principio Único era un núcleo, donde los elementos —nimeos— se agrupaban en una efervescencia química, compuesta de nitro, neón, helio, metano, carbono, nitrógeno, oxígeno, ácido nítrico, etcétera. 

Estos elementos químicos producían una intensa combustión, que en química se conoce como efervescencia. 

No significa una efervescencia de calor o de fuego, sino una fusión de elementos fríos que hierven en sus propias burbujas gaseosas. 

Este núcleo era frío, efervescente y gaseoso, tanto que no soportó la presión y explotó, emanando una luz blanca brillante y fría. 

Cuando el núcleo explotó, se convirtió

 en un sol blanco y frío.

 Los elementos que lanzó a los confines del universo eran exactamente iguales, solo que aquellos de menos peso quedaron más cerca del núcleo, y los otros comprimidos llegaron muy lejos. 

Nosotros, que estamos cerca del creador, somos compuestos de elementos leves, fríos y sin peso. 

Vivimos en el helio. 

Por eso somos tan diferentes a ustedes, y a esta diferencia le dimos el nombre de antimateria. 

Nuestra Dimensión gira alrededor del núcleo, o sea del Principio Único. 

Nosotros, estamos muy cerca de él; eso significa que también nos alimentamos de él. 

Giramos en movimientos de traslación y rotación, a una velocidad 8 mil veces más rápida que la de ustedes. 

Nuestros cuerpos tienen la forma hombre, solo que nuestra energía vibra en una frecuencia altísimo. 

Nuestro ritmo es secuencial y la cadencia numeral. 

A diferencia de ustedes, que son dimensión de cantidad, nosotros somos una dimensión pequeña y de calidad. 

Nuestra realidad no la podemos llamar constelaciones, sistemas o planetas; nosotros la llamamos elementos. 

Vivimos en ellos, nos alimentamos de ellos y somos ellos. 

 Estos elementos, nos proporcionan la existencia; somos energía pura, y poseemos todos los nutrientes que nuestros cabezales y filamentos necesitan, y a través de los elementos conocimos el universo total. 

Así como la Dimensión Sublime comparativamente correspondería a los neutrones y protones que generan la electricidad, nosotros somos los elementos de las neuronas; sin ellos, ningún cerebro puede trabajar. 

Seríamos, mejor dicho, comparables a las sustancias químicas de las neuronas con las cuales un cerebro trabaja para transmitir el conocimiento de una zona a otra. 

Somos conocidos por ser el conocimiento y entendimiento, mas:  ¿cómo un conocimiento puede ser transmitido mentalmente, si no existen los elementos para lograrlo?

  Somos los elementos mentales grabados del conocimiento universal. 

El universo posee inimaginables elementos que forman al todo; ellos fueron formando millones de expresiones diferentes que se adaptaron a esas formas, se grabaron y se formaron para la continuidad del todo. 

Nosotros somos una pequeña parte de ese todo, pertenecemos a la Mente, y ese es nuestro universo.

149.  ¿Cómo son sus elementos-planetas?

 Nosotros vivimos en elementos, y ustedes en células. 

Si decimos que estamos en un organismo vivo, tenemos que saber a ciencia cierta dónde nos encontramos. 

Nuestra Vía Láctea,

—veámoslo así— 

es una neurona; somos los elementos que vivimos en ella, y realizamos las transmisiones del conocimiento para otras neuronas, usando los filamentos y circuitos.  


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anterior : sistemaArtificial 

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siguiente : materia 

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121. In all this process, we have to understand that dimensions and realities are not separate. As the heads unite with us, we automatically become One. A head could think, but it could not perform, and the headless members were even worse: they could not execute. 148. What are the elements of the Unique Principle? Our studies started first from the knowledge of the Unique Principle; we had to deepen the discovery, and this had to start from point one: the nimeo. We understood that the Unique Principle was a nucleus, where the elements —nimeos— were grouped in a chemical effervescence, composed of nitro, neon, helium, methane, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, nitric acid, etc. These chemical elements produced intense combustion, which in chemistry is known as effervescence. It does not mean an effervescence of heat or fire, but a fusion of cold elements that boil in their gaseous bubbles. This core was cold, effervescent, and gaseous, so much so that it could not withstand the pressure and exploded, emitting a bright and cold white light. When the core exploded, it turned into a cold white sun. The elements that he launched to the ends of the universe were the same, only those with less weight were closer to the nucleus, and the other compressed ones went very far. We, who are close to the creator, are composed of light, cold and weightless elements. We live in helium. That is why we are so different from you, and to this difference, we gave the name of antimatter. Our Dimension revolves around the nucleus, that is, the Unique Principle. We are very close to him; that means we also feed on it. We rotate in movements of translation and rotation, at a speed 8 thousand times faster than yours. Our bodies have the human form, only our energy vibrates at a very high frequency. Our rhythm is sequential and has a numerical cadence. Unlike you, who are a dimension of quantity, we are a small dimension of quality. We cannot call our reality constellations, systems, or planets; we call them elements. We live in them, we feed on them and we are them. These elements provide us with existence; we are pure energy and we have all the nutrients that our heads and filaments need, and through the elements, we knew the total universe. Just as the Sublime Dimension would comparatively correspond to the neutrons and protons that generate electricity, we are the elements of the neurons; without them, no brain can work. We would be, better said, comparable to the chemical substances of the neurons with which a brain works to transmit knowledge from one area to another. We are known for being knowledgeable and understanding, but: how can knowledge be transmitted mentally, if the elements to achieve it do not exist? We are the recorded mental elements of universal knowledge. The universe has unimaginable elements that form the whole; they were forming millions of different expressions that adapted to those forms and were recorded and formed for the continuity of the whole. We are a small part of that whole, we belong to the Mind, and that is our universe.149. How are your elements-planets? We live in elements, and you in cells. If we say that we are in a living organism, we have to know for sure where we are. Our Milky Way—let's see it this way—is a neuron; we are the elements that live in it, and we carry out the transmission of knowledge to other neurons, using the filaments and circuits. 


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121. In all this process, we have to understand that dimensions and realities are not separate. As the heads unite with us, we automatically become One. A head could think, but it could not perform, and the headless members were even worse: they could not execute. 148. What are the elements of the Unique Principle? Our studies started first from the knowledge of the Unique Principle; we had to deepen the discovery, and this had to start from point one: the nimeo. We understood that the Unique Principle was a nucleus, where the elements —nimeos— were grouped in a chemical effervescence, composed of nitro, neon, helium, methane, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, nitric acid, etc. These chemical elements produced intense combustion, which in chemistry is known as effervescence. It does not mean an effervescence of heat or fire, but a fusion of cold elements that boil in their gaseous bubbles. This core was cold, effervescent, and gaseous, so much so that it could not withstand the pressure and exploded, emitting a bright and cold white light. When the core exploded, it turned into a cold white sun. The elements that he launched to the ends of the universe were the same, only those with less weight were closer to the nucleus, and the other compressed ones went very far. We, who are close to the creator, are composed of light, cold and weightless elements. We live in helium. That is why we are so different from you, and to this difference, we gave the name of antimatter. Our Dimension revolves around the nucleus, that is, the Unique Principle. We are very close to him; that means we also feed on it. We rotate in movements of translation and rotation, at a speed 8 thousand times faster than yours. Our bodies have the human form, only our energy vibrates at a very high frequency. Our rhythm is sequential and has a numerical cadence. Unlike you, who are a dimension of quantity, we are a small dimension of quality. We cannot call our reality constellations, systems, or planets; we call them elements. We live in them, we feed on them and we are them. These elements provide us with existence; we are pure energy and we have all the nutrients that our heads and filaments need, and through the elements, we knew the total universe. Just as the Sublime Dimension would comparatively correspond to the neutrons and protons that generate electricity, we are the elements of the neurons; without them, no brain can work. We would be, better said, comparable to the chemical substances of the neurons with which a brain works to transmit knowledge from one area to another. We are known for being knowledgeable and understanding, but: how can knowledge be transmitted mentally, if the elements to achieve it do not exist? We are the recorded mental elements of universal knowledge. The universe has unimaginable elements that form the whole; they were forming millions of different expressions that adapted to those forms and were recorded and formed for the continuity of the whole. We are a small part of that whole, we belong to the Mind, and that is our universe.149. How are your elements-planets? We live in elements, and you in cells. If we say that we are in a living organism, we have to know for sure where we are. Our Milky Way—let's see it this way—is a neuron; we are the elements that live in it, and we carry out the transmission of knowledge to other neurons, using the filaments and circuits. 


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178 - Principio Unico - Zonas de energías-pensamientos inconscientes