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Sin Conocimiento, nó vivo
Sin entendimiento, nó existo
sin amor incondicional, nó Soy
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126. Continuación:::___Pensaron que nosotros seríamos Ideas igual que ellos; nunca imaginaron que nosotros, seres pequeños en tamaño, seríamos grandes en pensamiento, y que a través de esos pensamientos les enseñaríamos lo que significaba la vida.
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126. Continuation:::___They thought that we would be Ideas just like them; They never imagined that we, beings small in size, would be big in thought and that through those thoughts we would teach them what life meant. When the One Beings created the bubble-sphere, they never suspected they had created their inner world. They were pure ideas and always have been. By breaking down the ideas and being able to understand and love them, they were able to reflect on themselves. They had entered his inner world of questions and answers. We never stop answering them with the truth; We made them see what was imagined, and through it, they learned to recognize what pride, vanity, humility, love, and everything that thought meant. They learned that, in the continuity of their idea was necessary. The One Beings found themselves confronted with their thoughts, which made their ideas face to face, many of them wonderful and others of little importance. For the first time, they were able to enter the world of thoughts and know for sure what their creativity had been. They called this process of confrontation conscience, and thus they were able to see, in the full extension of the word, what they believed they had created perfectly. 163. How did the superior worlds become the consciousness of the One Beings? The only way for a being to confront oneself is through the deep thoughts of consciousness. When the One Beings saw and felt their ideas realized face to face, they became aware of their creations; They no longer created just to create they began to create with the awareness of the continuation, and the correlation. Ideas became real thoughts. Someday the lower worlds will become aware of their thoughts and will create according to them with creative imagination and not with unreal fantasy. 164. How can we, lower worlds, create our inner world? The inner world of the lower world is called the energetic being (spirit). It is the thought-being full of knowledge, understanding, and universal love. The billions of united bubble-spheres are the energetic being of the One Beings. 165. So they, through us, are developing their energetic being? That's right, all of us are the answer. We are the thoughts of the One Beings, and they have the awareness and wisdom of what happens. Someday we will be the energetic being of the One Being. 166. Are the bubbles-spheres all positive thought energy? What happens to sick negative energy? They are all positive; what we call sick negative energy is so little that it does not harm the whole. When sick energy fails to heal, then it is absorbed and sent to new creations. The sick negative energy exists only in the primary worlds and in very low graduations, as in the case of the planet Earth, and we know that the planet is a special case of density and distortion. 167. If we form the energetic being of the One Beings, how can there be sick negative energy, even if it is in small quantity? The energetic being is made up of positive thoughts. Indeed, sick energy could not be part of an energetic being because we know that negative energy would be absorbed and sent to new creations; it would serve only to sustain the material part of the whole.
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