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158. Nuestro trabajo consistió en determinar cada imagen y darle una secuencia de expresión. Para ello, le dimos un código que consistía en un número, un color, un signo, una vibración, un ritmo, una forma, etcétera, creando el lenguaje.
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158. Our job consisted of determining each image and giving it a sequence of expressions. To do this, we gave it a code that consisted of a number, a color, a sign, a vibration, a rhythm, a shape, etc., creating language.
This way we were able to communicate with other dimensions.
With the advancement of language, we discovered that it served only the dimensions that could capture pure ideas because these were communicated through symbols.
The other dimensions far from its center did not understand symbolic language: it was very complicated because their reality was very different from ours.
Thus, the symbolism images had to be broken down into a numerological sequence of colors, signs, vibrations, rhythms, shapes, etc.
With the breakdown, language was born, which was the language adapted to each reality, expressed according to the knowledge that fed it.
When language was understood and broken down into languages, techniques arose to make the expression concrete and they were divided into sign, sound, intensity, and rhythm.
This is how the lower dimensions began to correlate, exchanging knowledge and understanding.
213. How is the idea realized?
The symbol is an idea.
Starting from this premise, we can understand the functioning of the universal mind.
The set of symbols forms an idea, and the grouping of ideas is called association dynamics.
This means that, the birth of a symbol, it generates a chain reaction of ideas that travel in thoughts until they reach the infinity of the mind.
When it reaches the depths, it begins to return, but in doing so, it carries with it the billions of possibilities of how the idea and the symbol could develop.
The return path is full of infinite expressions, where thought becomes an idea again, but this time concretized.
In this way, the symbol becomes a reality, cause and effect.
214. What is a universal analyst like?
A universal analyst is the absolute knower of cause and effect.
To truly be a knower, the being must deepen, analyze, know, and understand the symbol, the idea, and the thought.
He will also have to master the knowledge of the timeless transaction of structures applied in the numeral kabbalah, and he will be able to obtain this knowledge in the Regular Dimension.
In the Primary Dimension, where you are, it is not yet possible to obtain complete universal knowledge, because applied technology and science are still backward. In the case of planet Earth, an analyst deepens and intellectually examines the components of a chemical or medical study.
He is also the one who analyzes computer problems, or simply, the one who habitually studies events related to the field of social or cultural life.
He can also be one who systematically, through scientific methods, analytically examines, quantitatively or qualitatively, certain components that form a whole to reach a diagnosis.
215. Are you, Ethereal Dimension, analysts?
We are analysts, thinkers, philosophers, mathematicians, technicians, scientists, and experts on the universe because we shaped it and gave it shape.
216. What is active thinking like?
To understand an action, knowledge must first be activated.
This is necessary because in order to record it forever, its chemical components must be activated, which will be absorbed by the crystals that will classify it and place it in its rightful place.
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