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Sin Conocimiento, nó vivo
Sin entendimiento, nó existo
sin amor incondicional, nó Soy
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El ser uno - los arcanos de thoth
Document Transcript
2. DATOS INTERNACIONALES DE CATALOGACIÓN EN LA PUBLICACIÓN SÃO PAULO-BRASIL. COPYRIGHT Nº. DE REGISTRO: 314.912 | LIVRO: 575 | FOLHA: 72 Franca Rosa Canonico de Schramm. Libro publicado originalmente por la autora y Canal: Franca Rosa Canonico de Schramm. Todos los derechos del texto, inclusive los dibujos externos e internos, están reservados para uso exclusivo de la autora. Ninguna parte de este libro puede ser REPRODUCIDO, ALTERADO, EDITADO O USADO por cualquier forma o medio, electrónico o mecánico, inclusive fotocopias, grabaciones, Internet, televisión, cinema o sistema de almacenamiento en banco de datos, sin permiso por escrito de la autora, excepto en los casos de trechos cortos citados en reseñas críticas o artículos de revistas, periódicos o cualquier medio de comunicación. La reproducción, cambio, alteración o uso indebido del contenido y dibujos de este libro, estará sujeto a un proceso judicial, amparado por la ley al derecho del autor. EL SER UNO I – Los Arcanos de Thoth. EL SER UNO II – Planeta 333 – Los Guardianes de Tera. Informamos a todos los seres de buena voluntad que EL SER UNO no está vinculado con personas que puedan usar el nombre de la autora y del mismo, realizando conferencias, grupos, venta de copias impresas, videos, publicidad y más, cobrando por sus servicios o pidiendo donaciones en nombre de este conocimiento. El canal hace saber también, que no tiene ninguna responsabilidad con aquellos que transmiten e interpretan el conocimiento EL SER UNO a su manera, sin regirse o basarse en los escritos originales que se encuentran en su texto. EL SER UNO es un conocimiento GRATUITO, no está coligado a ningún evento ni a ganancia de dinero de ninguna otra índole por terceras personas, que lo podrían utilizar a propio beneficio. 2
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174. Los mundos antimateria del planeta Tierra que trabajan con ustedes son la Ciudad Interna. Ellos están encargados de todo lo que significa trabajo interior. Como ustedes están en el subconsciente, los mundos antimateria han tenido que conocer, estudiar, clasificar y ordenar el desorden mental de esta realidad, para poderlos ayudar. El subconsciente es un plano de pensamientos sin correlación ni continuidad; son pensamientos mecánicos que se crearon por el simple hecho del placer. Lo agradable o desagradable es la ley que impera en este plano. Como el placer comanda a las energías-pensamientos sin orden ni control, se ha creado un caos, porque los pensamientos luchan por prevalecer en la satisfacción, sin medir las consecuencias de ello. En estas condiciones, el placer se ha convertido en una dependencia tan fuerte que los mundos antimateria han tenido que crear los antihistamínicos para poder contrarrestar los síntomas de esta drogadicción. El placer consiste en placebos que se adquieren a través de los sentidos. El subconsciente se alimenta para poder escapar de su triste y pobre realidad. Solo una realidad consciente puede controlar el placer y convertirlo en una herramienta maravillosa para el crecimiento y elevación. Cuando la distorsión se produjo, el pensamiento no sabía diferenciar lo correcto de lo incorrecto, y como tampoco tenía el conocimiento y entendimiento universal, entonces fueron los sentidos los que regrabaron los cristales, y lo hicieron a través del placer, porque era lo único que conocían. A través de estos sentidos, percibieron lo agradable y desagradable. El hombre tenía el pensamiento rígido, no entendía ni conocía su realidad ni su entorno. Los mundos antimateria los han podido recuperar, porque al entender lo que les sucedía, crearon lo contrario al placer y lo llamaron sufrimiento. Lo hicieron con el único propósito de contrarrestar el abuso del placer através de los sentidos materiales. El hombre tiene que entender que el sufrimiento lo ayuda a dominar el placer de los sentidos y con ello podrá obtener el equilibrio. Con esta cualidad ya no creará energías-pensamientos abocados al placer subconsciente, sino por el contrario, creará pensamientos abocados a la satisfacción consciente, con conocimiento de causa y efecto, por lo tanto, sin sufrimiento. Cuando el abuso del placer es repetitivo, se llama vicio. Significa que la energía-pensamiento se niega a salir del subconsciente, causándole un tremendo sufrimiento. Si el vicio no es arraigado y continúa martirizándolo, entonces entrará al padecimiento. Si, después de padecer, la energía-pensamiento todavía se niega a salir de su subconsciencia, entonces será absorbida, reciclada y enviada a nuevas creaciones. Cuando el placer es trabajado, comprendido y equilibrado, pasa a pertenecer al ser energético, que lo convierte en satisfacción, alegría, goce y plenitud, porque va acompañado de conocimiento, entendimiento y amor. Cuando hablamos del placer, nos estamos refiriendo a energías-pensamientos que viven en el lado izquierdo del cerebro, estimulando los circuitos para alimentarse de los sentidos y retroalimentarse de otras energías que puedan darles placer, como alimentación, poder, dinero, sexo, vanidad, orgullo, soberbia, sadismo, masoquismo, lujuria, etcétera. Los placeres desenfrenados producen el deleite del lado izquierdo, donde se encuentran las bajas energías vibratorias de los mundos antimateria. El lado derecho lucha incansablemente por mantener el equilibrio y, sobre todo, poder salvar a las energías-pensamientos perdidas en los submundos de la subconciencia. El verdadero trabajo de nosotros, mundos antimateria de energías-pensamientos dinámicos, es recuperarlos a ustedes. Debemos sacarlos de la inconsciencia y llevarlos a la conciencia de la mente universal. Es un trabajo que nosotros realizamos con conocimiento, entendimiento y mucho amor.248. ¿Cómo ven ustedes nuestra realidad? 174... Continuará mañana...
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174. The antimatter worlds of planet Earth that work with you are the Inner City. They are in charge of everything that involves inner work. Since you are in the subconscious, the antimatter worlds have had to know, study, classify and order the mental disorder of this reality, in order to be able to help you. The subconscious is a plane of thoughts without correlation or continuity; they are mechanical thoughts that were created for the simple fact of pleasure. Pleasant or unpleasant is the law that prevails on this plane. Since pleasure commands thought-energies without order or control, chaos has been created, because thoughts fight to prevail in satisfaction, without measuring the consequences of it. In these conditions, pleasure has become such a strong dependency that the antimatter worlds have had to create antihistamines to be able to counteract the symptoms of this drug addiction. Pleasure consists of placebos that are acquired through the senses. The subconscious feeds itself in order to escape from its sad and poor reality. Only a conscious reality can control pleasure and turn it into a wonderful tool for growth and elevation. When the distortion occurred, thought did not know how to differentiate between right and wrong, and as it did not have universal knowledge and understanding, then it was the senses that re-engraved the crystals, and they did so through pleasure, because it was the only thing they knew. Through these senses, they perceived the pleasant and unpleasant. Man had rigid thought, he did not understand or know his reality or his environment. The antimatter worlds have been able to recover them, because by understanding what was happening to them, they created the opposite of pleasure and called it suffering. They did this with the sole purpose of counteracting the abuse of pleasure through the material senses. Man has to understand that suffering helps him to dominate the pleasure of the senses, and with this he will be able to obtain balance. With this quality, you will no longer create thought-energies aimed at subconscious pleasure, but on the contrary, you will create thoughts aimed at conscious satisfaction, with knowledge of cause and effect, therefore, without suffering. When the abuse of pleasure is repetitive, it is called vice. It means that the thought-energy refuses to leave the subconscious, causing tremendous suffering. If the vice is not rooted and continues to torment you, then you will enter into suffering. If, after suffering, the thought-energy still refuses to leave your subconscious, then it will be absorbed, recycled and sent to new creations. When pleasure is worked on, understood and balanced, it becomes part of the energetic being, which converts it into satisfaction, joy, enjoyment and plenitude, because it is accompanied by knowledge, understanding and love. When we speak of pleasure, we are referring to thought-energies that live on the left side of the brain, stimulating the circuits to feed on the senses and feedback on other energies that can give them pleasure, such as food, power, money, sex, vanity, pride, arrogance, sadism, masochism, lust, etc. Unbridled pleasures produce delight on the left side, where the low vibratory energies of the antimatter worlds are found. The right side fights tirelessly to maintain balance and, above all, to be able to save the thought-energies lost in the subworlds of the subconscious. The true work of us, antimatter worlds of dynamic thought-energies, is to recover you. We must bring you out of the unconsciousness and bring you to the consciousness of the universal mind. It is a job that we do with knowledge, understanding and much love. 248. How do you see our reality? 174... To be continued tomorrow...
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174. The antimatter worlds of planet Earth that work with you are the Inner City. They are in charge of everything that involves inner work. Since you are in the subconscious, the antimatter worlds have had to know, study, classify and order the mental disorder of this reality, in order to be able to help you. The subconscious is a plane of thoughts without correlation or continuity; they are mechanical thoughts that were created for the simple fact of pleasure. Pleasant or unpleasant is the law that prevails on this plane. Since pleasure commands thought-energies without order or control, chaos has been created, because thoughts fight to prevail in satisfaction, without measuring the consequences of it. In these conditions, pleasure has become such a strong dependency that the antimatter worlds have had to create antihistamines to be able to counteract the symptoms of this drug addiction. Pleasure consists of placebos that are acquired through the senses. The subconscious feeds itself in order to escape from its sad and poor reality. Only a conscious reality can control pleasure and turn it into a wonderful tool for growth and elevation. When the distortion occurred, thought did not know how to differentiate between right and wrong, and as it did not have universal knowledge and understanding, then it was the senses that re-engraved the crystals, and they did so through pleasure, because it was the only thing they knew. Through these senses, they perceived the pleasant and unpleasant. Man had rigid thought, he did not understand or know his reality or his environment. The antimatter worlds have been able to recover them, because by understanding what was happening to them, they created the opposite of pleasure and called it suffering. They did this with the sole purpose of counteracting the abuse of pleasure through the material senses. Man has to understand that suffering helps him to dominate the pleasure of the senses, and with this he will be able to obtain balance. With this quality, you will no longer create thought-energies aimed at subconscious pleasure, but on the contrary, you will create thoughts aimed at conscious satisfaction, with knowledge of cause and effect, therefore, without suffering. When the abuse of pleasure is repetitive, it is called vice. It means that the thought-energy refuses to leave the subconscious, causing tremendous suffering. If the vice is not rooted and continues to torment you, then you will enter into suffering. If, after suffering, the thought-energy still refuses to leave your subconscious, then it will be absorbed, recycled and sent to new creations. When pleasure is worked on, understood and balanced, it becomes part of the energetic being, which converts it into satisfaction, joy, enjoyment and plenitude, because it is accompanied by knowledge, understanding and love. When we speak of pleasure, we are referring to thought-energies that live on the left side of the brain, stimulating the circuits to feed on the senses and feedback on other energies that can give them pleasure, such as food, power, money, sex, vanity, pride, arrogance, sadism, masochism, lust, etc. Unbridled pleasures produce delight on the left side, where the low vibratory energies of the antimatter worlds are found. The right side fights tirelessly to maintain balance and, above all, to be able to save the thought-energies lost in the subworlds of the subconscious. The true work of us, antimatter worlds of dynamic thought-energies, is to recover you. We must bring you out of the unconsciousness and bring you to the consciousness of the universal mind. It is a job that we do with knowledge, understanding and much love. 248. How do you see our reality? 174... To be continued tomorrow...
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3. El Ser Uno es un libro de autoconocimiento. Deberá ser leído en orden: sería inútil que lo leyeran desordenadamente, pues no daría el resultado esperado. Su lectura irá abriendo y conectando los circuitos cerebrales del conocimiento, entendimiento y amor.
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Repásenlo... estúdienlo... medítenlo...
dejen ir las viejas... ideas, y enseñanzas...
estudien las nuevas.
El ser UNO
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